
Canadian Red Cross:   https://www.redcross.ca/

WSIB Workplace First Aid Requirements:   https://www.wsib.ca/en/businesses/health-and-safety/training/first-aid-program

Respirator Fit Testing:   https://www.bullivant.ca/contact-us/
–  The Respirator Fit Testing is not a “program”, but is instead a test to ensure that workers’ respirators are functioning properly.
–  Bullivant provides a ‘Qualitative’ method of Respirator Fit Testing which is a straight pass/fail based on the participants sensory response once a challenge agent is added.
–  Participants are responsible for providing their own respirators and must be clean shaven along the jaw line in order to properly administer a fit test.
–  The service area is from Oakville around to Niagara Falls and up to Port Colbourne.

Other Provincial First Aid Providers:
BC:   https://www.alertfirstaid.com/
Quebec:   https://impactsante.ca/en/


Ontario Personal Support Workers Association (OPSWA): https://ontariopswassociation.com/


